
DIY Standing Desk

So I was googling ways to be more healthy (biscuits and revision seem to go hand in hand to me) and came to a realization which is probably true for most people who go to school:

We sit down for most of the day!

Trying to get healthier, I was thinking of having to go for a run or cut out desserts, whilst forgetting how unhealthy it is to sit down for a minimum of 5 classes a day. The NHS website stats are substantial: in one piece of research, those who sat the longest had a 147% increase in cardiovascular events compared to those who sat the least. That certainly provoked a change with me.

So I decided, as well as trying to get up every half hour in lessons (easier said than done by the way, NHS website. there's only so many times you can walk across the classroom  to pretend to sharpen a pencil, then it just looks a bit weird) to stand up a bit more! Putting a couple of blocks on my desk has meant I can be on my feet sometimes when I work.

I used a couple of drawers from an old shelf, and painted them to match my room. But I'm sure any kind of box would work, perhaps two shoeboxes wrapped in brown paper. Even if you only use your standing desk every once in a while, it's still a very easy little way to be active more! 

I hope you go for a walk in the sun, and stay healthy!
- L

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